The following shows the country list that is restricted to alphanumeric Sender ID:

Country Network Operator
Afghanistan Afghan Telecom
Armenia Orange Armenia CJSC; ArmenTel; Vivacell (K-Telecom); Karabagh;
Bangladesh Warid Telecom; City Cell; Grameen Phone; AkTel(Robi);
Belgium Lycamobile; Proximus; Mobistar S.A.; Base N.V.
Benin Spacetel-Benin (MTN); EtisalatBenin (TELCEL);
Bermuda Digicel
Burkina Faso Celtel (Zain);
Chad Celtel;
Congo Celtel Congo
Croatia Tele2;
Democratic Republic of the Congo Celtel(Zain); Sait-T(Tigo);
Côte D’Ivoire Moov (Etisalat); MTN; Orange;
Egypt Mobinil; Vodafone; Etisalat;
El Salvador DIGICEL; and others.
Eritrea Eritel
France Free Moblie; Orange France; Soci (SFR); Bouygues T; Transatel; Outremer T; Lycamobile; and others.
French Guiana Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane;
Gabon Celtel (Airtel);
Georgia Magti GSM (MagtiCom); QCell (Beeline);
Ghana Ghana Tel(Vodafone); Mobitel (tiGO); Scancom Ltd (MTN); Glo Mobile; Zain (Airtel); Kasapa Telecom Ltd (CDMA);
Greece Vodafone; WIND (TIM); Cosmote;
Greenland Tele Greenland A/S
Guadeloupe Saint Martin Et Saint Barthelemy Tel Cell SARL; Dauphin Telecom; Bouygues(Digicel);
Guatemala Comunicaciones Celulares S.A; Servicios de Comunicaciones Personales Ina; Telefonica;
Guinea Orange Guin; Areeba-Guin;
Guinea-Bissau Areeba (SpaceTel); Orange Bissau;
Iraq ZAIN (formerly Atheer); Itisaluna; Iraqtel; Asia Cell; ZAIN (formerly IRAQNA); Mobitel;
India All
Italy H3G S.p.A. (UMTS); LycaMobile; RFI-Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A; TIM Italia S.p.A; Vodafone S.p.A.; Wind Telecomunicazioni S.p.A; and others.
Ivory Coast Comium Ivory Coast Inc (KoZ)
Jamaica Cable&Wireless (LIME); Digicel Jamaica;
Kazakhstan Tele2-MTS; Dalacom/Altel;
Kenya Airtel (celtel)
Kyrgyzstan Beeline (Sky); BiMoCom (Megacom); O! (Nur Telecom);
Lebanon MTC Touch (MIC-2); Alfa (MIC-1); Liban Telecom;
Lesotho Vodacom; Econet Ezi-Cel;
Liberia Celcom Telecommunication Inc; comium liberia; Libercell; MTN (Lonestar);
Libya Libyana
Liechtenstein Mobilkom; Alpmobil (Tele2); Telcom FL (Swisscom); Viag (Orange);
Luxembourg LuxGSM S.A; Tango; VOXmobile;
Macedonia ONE (Cosmofon); VIP Operator; T-Mobile;
Madagascar Orange; Telma; Bharti Airtel;
Malawi TNM; Bharti Airtel;
Maldives Dhiraagu; Wmobile (Wataniya Telecom);
Mali Malitel; Orange Mali (Ikatel);
Mauritania Mauritel Mobiles
Mauritius Emtel; Orange (Cell Plus); MTML;
Moldova Eventis Mobile; Moldcell; Unit; Voxtel (orange);
Monaco Monaco Telecom
Mongolia MobiCom Co. Ltd; GMobile;
Montenegro Telenor(ProMonte); T-Mobile; m:tel CG;
Montserrat Cable & Wireless
Mozambique Mcel; MOVITEL; Vodacom;
Myanmar Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications (MPT)
Namibia Leo (Orascom); MTC Namibia (MTC);
Nauru Digicel
Netherlands Barablu Mobile Benelux Ltd; Blyk N.V (Elephan Ta); KPN B.V; Lycamobile; T-Mobile Netherlands B.V; Tele2 Nederland B.V; Telfort B.V; Vodafone Libertel B.V;
Netherlands Antilles Radcomm; Telcell; UTS Wireless Cura; East Caribbean Cellular (CDMA); Digicel (former Cura);
New Caledonia Mobilis
New Zealand 2 Degrees Mobile
Niger Celtel-Niger
Nigeria MTN; Reliance Telecomm; Visafone Comm; Etisalat(EMTS); globacom; starcoms; Multi-links Telecomm; M-Tel;
Norway Network(MobileNorway; Lycamobile; TeliaSonera(Netcom); Tele2(Mobile Norway); Telenor Mobil;
Oman OmanMobile; Nawras (Qatari Tele);
Pakistan Telenor Pakistan
Poland Cyfrowy POLSAT(MVNO)
Portugal optimus; Portugal LycaMobile; TMN; Vodafone;
Rwanda RWANDATEL S.A.; MTN Rwandacell SARL; TIGO RWANDA S.A; Rwanda Airtel;
Romania Lycamobile (MVNO);
Seychelles MediaTech; Telecom (Seychelles) Ltd; Cable and Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd;
Sierra Leone Millicom (SL) Ltd; Datatel (SL) Ltd GSM; Celtel (SL) Ltd; Africell (SL)Ltd PCS; Comium Sierra leone INC;
Slovenia A1; Mobitel (Telekom Slovenije); T-2; Telemach (Tusmobil);
Solomon Islands Solomon Telekom Company Ltd (BREEZE)
Somalia Bosaso Golis; Somafone; Hargeysa Telesom; Telesom; NationLink Telecom;
Spain Lleida Networks; Fonyou; Telefonica (Movistar); Lycamobile Spain; Llamaya; Bt Espa; Cableuropa S a u; E-plus M(Simyo); Euskaltel S a; FranceTelecom (Orange); Jazz Telecom S a u; R Cable Y Telecomunicaciones Galicia; Telecable De Asturias; Vodafone; Xfera M(Yoigo);
Sudan Mobitel(Zain); Areeba Sudan(MTN); Sudani One;
Suriname (Uniqa) Intelsur
Swaziland Swazi MTN Limited
Syria MTN Syria; Syriatel;
Tajikistan MLT (TT-Mobile); Tcell (INDIGO); Tcell (Somoncom); Babilon Mobile; TAKOM (Beeline);
Togo Togocel
Tonga Digicel Tonga
Tunisia TunisieTelcom(TUNTEL); Orange; Tunisiana (Orascom);
Uganda MTN (Uganda) Ltd; Airtel Uganda; Orange; Warid; Uganda Telecom Ltd;
Ukraine Golden Telecom; Kyivstar; life(Astelit); MTS Ukraine (UMC); Telesystems (CDMA); Ukrtelecom;
Uzbekistan Buztel; Uzmacom; Uzdunrobita;
Vanuatu Digicel (Vanuatu) Ltd; Telecom Vanuatu Ltd;
Yemen Sabafon; MTN; Yemen Mobile (CDMA);
Zambia CelTel
Zimbabwe NetOne; Telecel; Econet;


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