Bulksmsonline.com provides you with the convenience of uploading your pre-prepared contacts list to your dashboard. To successfully complete this process, please follow these guidelines:
**Preparing Your Document:**
1. Begin by opening a new text file using the notepad.exe application on your desktop.
2. Copy and paste your contact list into this document, ensuring there are no spaces or any other characters between the phone numbers. Each phone number should be on a separate line, like this:
3. Save the document in .txt format.
**Uploading to the Dashboard:**
1. Access your dashboard and click on the "Favorites" tab.
2. From the menu that appears, select "File Manager."
3. Click the "Choose File" button and locate the .txt file you created on your desktop.
4. Once you've selected the file, click the "Upload" button.
Now, your contact list is available for use in your dashboard. If you need further assistance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team for additional information.