Provided a list of abbreviations commonly used in the telecommunication and SMS marketing industry. Here's a brief elaboration on each:


1. **MCC (Mobile Country Code)**: This is a unique number that identifies a mobile country, and it is used in combination with the MNC to identify a mobile network.


2. **MNC (Mobile Network Code)**: This unique number, when combined with the MCC, helps to uniquely identify a mobile network operator in a country.


3. **S.NO (Serial Number)**: A unique sequence of numbers used to enumerate and order items, typically in a list or report.


4. **ISO (International Organization for Standardization)**: While ISO has many standards, in the context of country codes, it often refers to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 – a two-letter code that represents countries.


5. **CC (Country Code in e164 format)**: E.164 is an ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks. The country code is used to dial into a specific country from abroad.


6. **MSISDN (Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number)**: This is essentially the full international phone number used to uniquely identify a mobile phone user globally. It includes the country code, the national (trunk) number, and the local phone number.


7. **DLR (Delivery Report)**: A report indicating the status of a sent message, e.g., whether it was delivered successfully to the recipient's device.


8. **Net Name (Mobile Network Name for the sent number)**: This refers to the name of the mobile network to which a particular mobile number belongs.


It's essential for businesses and professionals working in the telecom and marketing fields to understand these terms to effectively communicate and ensure that campaigns and strategies are implemented accurately.